Monday 4 May 2015

Oh my aching legs...

A while back I signed up to do the Peckham Rye 10k. For some reason, I miscalculated, and thought there was loads of time to train, and then I got really sick during January and February this year. And then it was just there, and I could either do it with practically zero training or I could DNS.

I chose doing it, although I promised myself that I would run for 3 minutes and walk for one, which is where I'd gotten to in training. Cue an hour and ten minutes of that. I started right at the back, so being overtaken by everyone wouldn't be too demoralising, and I managed to overtake 3-4 people myself, so I was reasonably pleased. The run itself was hard after the 3/4 mark, but I stuck it out and nearly cried when I reached 9k. That sign seemed to symbolise so much to me!

I finished up and waited to cheer on the people I overtook at the end, as there weren't many people left by then. And then I picked up the cheapest race t-shirt and medal I have EVER seen.

And now my legs are really aching...

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Bad Blogger

A year (nearly) since I last blogged. And I was doing so well.