Sunday 29 June 2014

A weekend of running, construction and canoeing

This week I hit 40. Two days in and it feels ok, although weird when I think about it. In my head I age much slower than this, so I'm probably just exiting my twenties mentally.

I celebrated by spending some time with a friend who was co-incidentally over from Australia, whom I haven't seen in about 3 years. We went to the British Museum exhibition on Vikings together and then went for pizza with W at Rosso Pomodoro, which is my new favourite pizza place. I decided to throw dietary caution to the winds and had the Quattro formaggi, which was heavenly. So much smokey mozzarella...

On Saturday, W and I went to do the local parkrun. This was a deal made a long time ago as he is surprisingly non-competitive and doesn't really like things like races. However, I asked him to come to it as part of my birthday present, and he agreed. I'm not sure he was too grateful first thing in the morning - I am a much more morning person than he is... And he tried to sabotage us arriving on time by eating breakfast! Eating is cheating!

We arrived in the nick of time, and he decided to coach me through the run. I did nearly run a PR, and hit an all time high heartbeat of 196, which I'm not sure was too smart. As ever, afterwards, the sense of 'why on earth do I do this?' left quite fast and I felt like doing the whole thing again.

Then we went home, had a proper breakfast, and packed up our new inflatable canoe. This was our present to ourselves for going on holiday later in the year to Sweden to go canoeing. I think I might publish a full-on review, so I'll save the description for another time, but for now, I'll share with you that this took us 3 hours to put up for one hour of canoeing...

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