Thursday 22 May 2014

The agony and the ecstasy

This is my reward. Yesterday I decided I definitely needed a sports massage. Nothing was in pain, but my hips, knees and IT band felt tight and achy. So I went to see Annabelle at Ambition Fitness. She went to work on my calves and quads and I am officially tight. It hurt more than acupuncture or the dentist, and I laughed throughout, mainly because I was paying for someone to torture me. 

Afterwards, I went swimming, which may have been a very good idea. At least I felt loosened up, and was able to walk properly to the station. The burrito is my reward and honestly was amazing. Hunger is the best spice and there's something about swimming that makes me very hungry. 

I am booked for more torture massage next week and I'm curious what difference it will make. In keeping with the 'look to long term goals, rather than short term', I'm willing to have a massage regularly if it helps keep me moving. We shall see...

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